This form is for students and visitors who are not employed by the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, College of Engineering, College of Mines and Earth Sciences, College of Science and the University of Utah. All paid employees of the University of Utah will need to access the Concur Travel system to book travel and process reimbursements for travel.

If you have questions regarding this form or process please email Joy.

Non-Employee Pre-Travel Registration
Are you employed by the University of Utah? *
Please use name used on Government issued documentations and ID.
Replace the "u" in your uNID number with a 0.
This allows the airlines to contact with travel updates and warnings.
Please provide University issue email
Please include city and state or country.
Please mark all that apply.
Please explain in DETAIL the purpose of your trip -- what conference you are attending and with whom you are meeting with and why.
If you are attending a conference, please mark all that apply.
Desired Flight Itinerary
Maximum upload size: 51.2MB
A numeric account or project number is required for all travel registration forms.
The PI of the stated account/project is required. If you are the PI please note "SELF" in the comment form.