Welcome to UShop! UShop is the University of Utah's online shopping system. In the UShop system you will be able to submit quotes and invoices, purchase research items via online stores and procure on-campus payments as well. To gain access to the UShop system as a shopper, you must complete the mandatory training. Please watch the videos and review the following materials in the GREEN BOX to make your adaptation to the system seamless. Once you have completed and confirmed your training it will take about 1-2 business days to grant you access to UShop.

Below are some policies specific to our department and tips to avoid some common errors.

If you have questions regarding UShop, it is highly recommended that you bookmark this site as the resources here will answer most questions. If any questions remain please contact Joshua or Kay and one of them can help troubleshoot any issues you may have.

Important UShop Announcements
Please come back here for important UShop announcements regarding system changes, policies and general reminders
MANDATORY: UShop Shopper Training
UShop Introduction & Navigation
This is an introduction to UShop, the different user roles within the system and how to login and navigate within the site. Please watch all three videos before moving onto the next training block.

Punchout Catalogs, Purchase Request & PR Quick Orders
These videos go over how to process a punchout catalog, purchase request and purchase request quick order within the UShop system. Please watch all three videos before moving onto the next training block.

Amazon Punch-Out Catalog Access

An Amazon punch-out account is a business account setup per individual UShop user, not for a department. Please take not that the email for your UShop profile is the preferred email in your CIS profile. This will also be your default Amazon account email and it cannot be edited once you setup your account.

To setup an Amazon business account for UShop please review the following document.

How to setup an Amazon Business Account

Purchase Request Handout
Please read and review the following handout. This information goes step-by-step through the purchase request process within the UShop system. Please review it before going onto the next training block.

Purchase Request Handout

It is recommended to bookmark or print this handout for future reference.

Checkout Process
These videos go over how to check your cart out in the UShop system. Please watch all four videos and review the department handouts below before moving onto the next training block.

For department shopping carts please label them in the following format: YYYYMMDD-LAST NAME OF P.I.-LAST 5 DIGITS OF ACTIVITY/PROJECT.

Example: If you were purchasing something on January 1, 2021 for Dr. Bloggs’ project 12345678 (eight digit number), you would label that cart as 20210101-BLOGGS-45678. If you were using Dr. Bloggs’ activity 12345 (five digit number) you would label the cart as 20210101-BLOGGS-12345. If you are using similar projects or activities on more than one purchase on the same day please add a “-” and then 1, 2, 3, etc. after the account on each subsequent cart.

Shopping carts that do not label their carts properly will be returned to the shopper for inclusion or correction before purchase approval will be given.

The shipping address for the MSE Administration Office is:

Materials Science & Engineering
122 S. Central Campus Drive, Room 304
Salt Lake City, Utah 84112.

Please check the shipping address at checkout since your default information could list another address. If the shipping address is different within the system you will need to manually change the address per instructions within the video. Shopping carts that do not list the proper shipping address will be returned to the shopper for correction before purchase approval will be given.

Please take note of the A/U field on the chartfield. If you are using a project (eight digit number) please leave the A/U field blank. Disregard the “empty field” warning when using a project for your shopping cart. However, if you are using an activity (five digit number) you will need to enter “1” into the A/U field before submitting your cart. Please take note of this policy, especially if you use both projects and activities.

It is important that all shopping carts include information that others in the approval process can access. Most activities and projects require a justification of the purchase, which can be met through the comment feature within the UShop system. Each shopping cart order must include an attached comment of justification. Included in the comment must be (1) what the purchase will be used for, (2) who will be using the item(s) that are being purchased and (3) where the items will be used or stored, which includes the room number and building name.

Example: If you are purchasing a new furnace that will be used by John Doe in Dr. Bloggs’ Lab in the MCE Building for the furnace research project. Your note should read something to the affect of … “The new XLRT-2001 furnace will be used by John Doe for the furnace research project in Dr. Bloggs’ Lab in 1234 MCE.” Please be concise and specific. Carts that do not include this information will be returned to the shopper for inclusion or clarification before purchase approval will be given.

Cart History
This video goes over how to track the history of a shopping cart, the comments added by approvers and progress of the order. Please watch all three videos before moving onto the next training block.

Cart Management
This video goes over how to track the history of a shopping cart, the comments added by approvers and progress of the order. Please watch all three videos before moving onto the next training block.

Document Search
This video goes over how to track the history of a shopping cart, the comments added by approvers and progress of the order. Please watch all three videos before moving onto the next training block.

UShop Training Confirmation
Once you have watched the videos, reviewed the handouts and looked over the resource materials please fill out this form to request access to the UShop system. You should be granted access within 1-2 business days, if you cannot access the system please contact Joshua to help in the matter.

UShop Shopper Training Confirmation

UShop Shopper Training Confirmation


Policies Specific to MSE

COMMENT: PURCHASE & LOCATION.  You are making a purchase with university funds; you need to justify this to a university accountant (and possibly the sponsor’s accountant) who has maybe never done research, by explaining briefly (half a dozen words) how it will be used in your research (the ‘business purpose’).

During checkout, add an internal comment to the shopping cart. Click the comment tab. Click the plus to add a new comment. In the comment, put your advisor's or PI's name, the business purpose, and the location where the item will be used. Click the check mark to save.

Don't put this information in the product description; the supplier may be confused by it.


If you have a quote from the supplier, attach it as an external attachment.


To Add a Default Address in UShop

  • From the shopping cart, click “Proceed to Checkout”.
  • Under “Ship To / Billing Options” click on either “Required” or the pencil icon.
  • In the pop-up window “Edit Ship To / Billing Options” search box, type “materials 304”.
  • Click on MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING in the drop-down.  A box will open under “Ship To” with the address.  Verify it says “122 Central Campus Dr Rm 304.”
  • Edit the ATTN  line if necessary.
  • Click  the box “Add to my addresses”.
  • In the new box “Nickname”  provide a name (for instance, “CME 304”).
  • Click the box “Make default”.
  • Click Save at the bottom of the popup window.
  • Your future carts will have the address already filled in.

Separate Carts

Always make a separate cart for each supplier. Think of it like a real shopping cart: If you are buying corn chips and salsa at Smith's and screws at Lowe's, you can't put it all in the same shopping cart.

If you have a cart that hasn't been submitted and you do more shopping, UShop will put the new items in your existing cart. That's good if you are shopping from the same supplier but bad if you are shopping from a different supplier. It is especially likely to happen without your noticing if you are shopping from a punch-out catalog. If you already have a cart for another supplier, create an empty cart before clicking on the supplier button or the Purchase Request link. Click on the Cart icon on the left tool bar; My Carts and Orders; View Carts, then the button at the far right saying Create Cart. Doing this will keep the old cart waiting for you and begin a new cart to shop at another supplier.

If you forget and end up with two suppliers in the same cart, move all items from one supplier to a new cart. You may need to delete one order and redo it, especially if both suppliers use punchout catalogs; moving items to a new cart works for some punchout suppliers but not for others. To move items to a new cart, at either the shopping cart or the checkout screen, click the box at right on the bar with the supplier's name to select all items from that supplier. Click the down arrow (upside down triangle) above the box to open a drop menu. Select 'Move to Another Cart' then ‘Move to a New Cart’. The UShop program will create a new cart and move that supplier and the items to it.

Accounting Distribution

On the checkout screen, scroll down to the Accounting Distribution section. Click on the pencil or the word 'Required' to open a window for the chartfield. Type the number your advisor gives you in the Acct Dist Shortcut box.

Fill in the Account box. This number identifies what type of thing you are buying. Most of the time you will be buying lab supplies, for which the number is 62600. If paying for a service such as analysis or repair, the number is 66300.

If the chartfield is an activity (the shortcut is five digits), type a 1 in the A/U box. If the chartfield is an project (eight digits), leave the A/U box empty. The cart will remind you the A/U is empty; if it's supposed to be empty, that's okay.

Revising, Replacing, or Closing a Purchase Order

Once a purchase order has been issued, if you are canceling the order for any reason, always notify the company. Ask your requisitioner to close the purchase order.

If you need to revise a purchase order, consult with your requisitioner, who will submit a change request. For instance, if the prices shown on the purchase order aren't correct, the supplier may ask for a revised purchase order.  A revised purchase may or may not need to be sent to the supplier.  A purchase order to the wrong supplier or division of a supplier must be closed and a new purchase order issued.

If you want to add to your order after submitting your cart, it is better to create a new order.


International Purchases

Purchases from international companies tend to require a lot more work from the staff than purchases within the U.S., and there are a lot more things that can go wrong.  It can be difficult to contact customer service or to return an item. They typically require prepayment, which the University doesn't like. International shipping and customs charges can eat up much of the savings you think you are getting using an international supplier.

Check whether the company has a U.S. dealer or whether you can find the item or something similar from a U.S. supplier.

New Supplier

There are thousands of suppliers already set up in UShop.  Before entering a new supplier, always

  1. Check whether you can find the item at a reasonable price from a supplier already in UShop.
  2. Check the ‘pcard only’ list at https://www.purchasing.utah.edu/ushop/ushop-suppliers/. If they are on the list, check with me about using a purchasing card.
  3. Consider how often you are likely to purchase from this supplier. If it will be just once or twice, check with me about using a purchasing card. (Please attempt #1 first. Using UShop is preferable to the card for a number of reasons.)
  4. How close is the end date for your project? Setting up a new supplier almost always takes several days; sometimes it takes several weeks. A purchase cannot be placed after your project end date. See me about using a purchasing card, and warn me the project ends soon.


  • there’s a reason to buy from this supplier rather than others already in UShop, for instance because the item must meet very particular or unusual specifications and you cannot find it anywhere except this supplier, or because it will save hundreds or thousands of dollars because all other suppliers’ prices are substantially higher, AND
  • the supplier is not on the p'card only list, AND
  • you are likely to purchase regularly from this supplier, AND
  • your project doesn't end soon,

then it may be worth asking UShop to set the supplier up. Add a comment to the cart, explaining why similar products from other suppliers won't work and listing some of the other suppliers you have checked.