We greatly appreciate your willingness to provide feedback for this possible course for the Spring 2024 semester. Please, read the following course description and answer the follow up questions. All provided feedback is submitted to professors anonymously, unless otherwise provided by you.
Technology of Advanced Ceramics (5XXX/6XXX)
This course will benefit upper division undergraduates, as well as graduate students who have interest in nonmetallic, inorganic materials (oxides, nitrides, carbides, borides, semiconductors, etc.). Zirconia, SiC, Si3N4 and SiAlONs, 2Al2O3.2MgO.5SiO2 (cordierite), CeO2, diamond and c-BN, BaTiO3 and other ferroelectrics, solid state sodium ion conductors, and B4C will be discussed relative to technological advances with Utah connections. Examples include an electrolysis stack which made oxygen on Mars, honeycomb catalytic converters and diesel NOx filters which have substantially reduced pollution throughout the world, vapor phase grown epitaxial semiconductors which paved the way for energy efficient LED lighting which we now enjoy, silicon nitride for medical applications, silicon carbide for armor and corrosion resistance, synthetic diamonds which were game changers for direction drilling enabling natural gas production from tight sand formations, piezoelectrics used in defense and medicine, solid state sodium electrolytes for batteries and sodium separation, oxygen generators using ceria electrolytes, and boron carbide neutron absorbers. Lectures and class discussions on crystal chemistry, phase diagrams, diffusion, crack propagation and toughening, predicting reliability, processing and microstructure control, and additional topics will set the stage of guest lecturers, with Utah ties, who will give technical lectures and give insights into how to make an innovations which improve the world. A discussion of the role of patents in innovation will occur with one of Utah leading patent attorneys. This class is designed to not only teach about innovations in advanced ceramic materials, but to guide students in their career choices."