Material Advantage Student Chapter at the University of Utah
Welcome incoming and returning students to the Department of Materials Science and Engineering. We will like to inform everyone that we are planning to continue the bladesmithing this coming year. Please keep an eye out for email sent by either the department or one of the officers.
How to Join?
Contact one of the officers below to let them know you are interested in joining, so we can add you to the email list and make sure we contact you about the events going on. Also you will need to register and pay to Material Advantage at this webpage (click HERE) cost is $30 for joining the four societies listed above. Click on new user and follow the directions. By joining you are open to all the scholarships that will become available mid-fall semester.
What is this student chapter about?
We, the Material Advantage Student Chapter at The University of Utah, are excited about the science and technology of the metallurgical world. As a group we seek to sharpen our intellect and expand our knowledge while having as much fun as possible in the fulfillment of these goals. Activities such as the TMS materials bowl, ASM science camp, and TMS bladesmithing competition give us an opportunity to learn and grow as we creatively implement the science of metallurgy in fun and exciting ways.
TMS Material Bowl:
At TMS 2016 the Material Advantage Student Chapter sent a team to compete against other schools at the TMS Materials Bowl. The TMS Material Bowl is a Jeopardy-style game with questions fielded in the material science and metallurgical engineering disciplines. The Materials Advantage Student Chapter at The University of Utah have won the TMS Materials Bowl twice, in both 2011 and 2016.

President: Jaidan Malloy
Committee: Anna Maus, Gia Mishra, Mia Schmidt
If you have any questions contact Jaidan.malloy@utah.edu.