Also see the section on Metallurgical Engineering in the University of Utah General Catalog.
- General Catalog, Metallurgical Engineering, department description
- General Catalog, Metallurgical Engineering, courses
Courses, Graduate Level
6055 Microsystems Design and Characterization
(4 credit hrs) Cross listed as BIOEN 6423, MSE 6055, ECE 6225, ME EN 6055, CH EN 6659. Prerequisite: Graduate status (or instructor approval); Microsystems or semiconductor lab.
Meets with ME EN 5055, ECE 5225, MET E 5055, MSE 5055, CH EN 5659. Third in a 3-course series on Microsystems Engineering. This course generalizes microsystems design considerations with practical emphasis on MEMS and IC characterization/physical analysis. Two lectures, one lab per week, plus 1/2 hour lab lecture. Must also register for ME EN 6056 (0-credit lab with fees). Graduate students only. Extra work required.
6100 Micromechanisms of Fatigue and Fracture
(2 credit hrs) Recommended Prerequisite: MET E 5260 and 5450.
Basics of fracture, continuum versus dislocation concepts, toughening mechanisms, fatigue and fracture mechanics principles, micromechanical theories, microstructural aspects of fatigue and fracture in metallic, ceramic and composite materials.
6210 Nuclear Materials: Processing, fabrication, use and disposal
(3 credit hrs) Prerequisite: Introductory level metallurgy or materials science course.
Meets with MET E 5210. The course will provide an in-depth coverage of the metallurgy of the materials used in the nuclear reactor core, power generation, reprocessing, transport, and waste disposal systems.
6240 Principles and Practice of Transmission Electron Microscopy
(3 credit hrs) Prerequistie: Engineering/College Physics Course or permission of instructor.
Meets with MET E 5240. The course will cover the basic principles of electron diffraction in materials and the operation of transmission electron microscope. Hands on experience with preparation of samples of various materials and structures in a TEM will be provided in laboratory sessions to illustrate the principles and practice of various TEM techniques. The course will consist of 2 lecture sessions and 1 laboratory session per week.
6250 Fundamentals of Engineering Analysis
(2 credit hrs) Recommended Prerequisite: MATH 3150.
Formulation and solution of ordinary and partial differential equations that describe physical systems of importance in engineering. Applied vector analysis and matrix theory. Examples drawn from problems arising in fluid flow, heat transfer, mass transfer, and chemical kinetics.
6260 Physical Metallurgy I
(3 credit hrs) Recommended Prerequisite: MET E 1620.
Phase transformations in metals and alloys. Elementary physical chemistry of phases, phase diagrams and phase rule application, diffusion in solids, structure of interfaces, nucleation and growth, solidification, pearlitic, bainitic, massive and order-disorder transformations, precipitation. Elementary treatment of martensitic transformation, iron-carbon system, and heat-treatment of steels. Laboratory sessions illustrate principles developed in lectures.
6270 Powder Metallurgy
(3 credit hrs) Recommended Prerequisite: MET E 1620 and 6260.
Powder preparation, rapid-solidification processing principles, powder characterization, theory of compaction, sintering, full-density processing, powder metallurgy component design, compact characterication, application of powder metallurgy processing to structural, electrical, magnetic, and biomedical components.
6290 Principles and Practices of Nanoscience and Technology
(3 credit hrs) Prerequisite: Introductory level metallurgy or materials science course.
Meets with MET E 5290. The course will cover the principles of material behavior and synthesis at the nanoscale, and its application to a wide range of industrial and biotechnology applications. A historical development and an overview of the nanotechnology is first provided followed by treatment of the basic physics of behavior at the nanoscale. This is followed by (i) synthesis of particle and structure at the nanoscale using vapor phase, physical vapor deposition, commination and electrochemical approaches for use in metallurgical, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, medical, electronic, ceramic, agricultural, and other applications, (ii) processing and mechanical behavior of nano-scale structures, (iii) electrochemical synthesis and characterization in nanostructures including micro-/nano-machining, (iv) magnetism at the nanoscale and principles and fabrication of nanoscale magnetic devices, (v) biochemical processing, and (vi) nanoscale characterization using AFM, STM, MFM, TEM and other techniques.
6300 Alloy and Material Design
(3 credit hrs) Recommended Prerequisite: MET E 5260 and 5450.
Design of microstructure for control of materials properties, electronic structure and properties of metals, strengthening mechanisms, microstructural origins of strength in high-strength steels, aluminum and titanium alloys, microstructural factors controlling creep in structural alloys and composites, microstructure design of cermets.
6320 Materials Engineering and Environment
(2 credit hrs)
Materials Engineering and Environment will focus on the life cycles of materials including materials selection, materials processing, materials use, and recycling and their impact on environments measured by energy consumption and carbon footprint. By examining the relationships between materials and energy and environment impact, students will gain knowledge as well as skills for conducting eco audit, analyzing eco data, and making environmentally informed decisions with regard to materials selection and processing.
6350 Transport Phenomena
(2 credit hrs) Recommended Prerequisite: MATH 3150 and MET E 6250.
Fundamental concepts of fluid flow and heat and mass transfer. Shell balance approach for molecular and convective transport processes. Formulation and application of general transfer equations.
6450 Mechanical Metallurgy
(3 credit hrs) Recommended Prerequisite: MET E 1620.
Mechanical properties of metals, stress and strain analysis, Mohr's circle, yield criteria, deformation of single and polycrystals, dislocations, strengthening mechanisms, fatigue and creep of metals. Also involves a design problem of material selection for gas-turbine blades on the basis of mechanical property requirement.
6555 Environmental Engineering Seminar
(0.5) Cross listed as GEO 6555, CVEEN 6555, CH EN 6557, MG EN 6555.
Meets with GEO 5555, CH EN 5555, CVEEN 5555, MET E 5555, MG EN 5555. Provides students the opportunity to meet with and learn from environmental engineering practitioners and researchers during a series of informal lectures and discussions.
6600 Corrosion Fundamentals and Minimization
Basic principles of corrosion, including forms and mechanisms of corrosion; corrosion prevention by cathodic protection and by coatings and materials selection; testing methods.
6610 Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells
(3 credit hrs) Prerequisite: MET E 3620, CH EN 3853 or equivalent.
Meets with MET E 5610. Fuel cells hold the promise of providing clean energy for many applications. In this course, the theory, practice technology of proton exchange membrane fuel cells will be presented. Topics to be covered are fuel cell electrochemistry, thermodynamics and mass transfer and cell design, construction and operations. Additionally, stack and system design will be discussed for various applications.
6660 Surfaces & Interfaces
(2 credit hrs)
Capillarity, films on liquids, Gibbs adsorption, electrical phenomena at interfaces, solid surfaces, wetting, nucleation.
6670 Mineral Processing I
(3 credit hrs) Recommended Prerequisite: MATH 2250 and MET E 3500.
Laboratory fee assessed. One laboratory period. Particulate technology, particle size distribution, sizing methodology, size-reduction and classification processes, solid-liquid separation methods.
6680 Mineral Processing II
(3 credit hrs) Prerequisite: MATH 2250.
Laboratory fee assessed. One laboratory period. Separation of particulate materials. Physics, chemistry, and engineering design applied to gravity, magnetic, electrostatic, and froth flotation separations.
6690 Process Engineering Statistics
(2 credit hrs) Recommended Prerequisite: MET E 3070.
Laboratory fee assessed. One laboratory period. Advanced statistical methods applied to solve engineering problems and to analyze massive experimental database. Factorial design, response surface, methods, and statistical quality control included.
6700 Hydrometallurgy
(3 credit hrs) Recommended Prerequisite: MET E 3620.
Laboratory fee assessed. Laboratory sessions every other week. Thermodynamic and kinetic fundamentals of commercially important metal utilization, extraction, recovery, refining, and removal processes in aqueous media.
6710 High-Temperature Chemical Processing
(4 credit hrs) Recommended Prerequisite: MET E 3620.
Laboratory fee assessed. One laboratory period. Fundamentals of commercially important nonferrous pyrometallurgical extraction. Thermodynamics of high-temperature processes and solid-gas reaction kinetics.
6730 Flotation Chemistry
(2 credit hrs) Recommended Prerequisite: MET E 5680.
Chemistry of flotation systems. Structure of water at interfaces, the hydrophobic state. Origins of surface charge and electrokinetic behavior of particles. Collector adsorption mechanisms in sulfide and nonsulfide flotation systems. Modulation of surface properties by adsorption of depressants and activators. Analysis of surface reactions from spectroscopic measurements.
6740 Solution Concentration and Purification
(2 credit hrs) Recommended Prerequisite: MET E 5700.
Aqueous solution chemistry; estimation of activity coefficients and complex equilibria calculations. Application of solution chemistry to reaction kinetics and mass transfer phenomena in cementation, solvent extraction, precipitation, and adsorption reactions.
6750 Rate Processes
(3 credit hrs) Recommended Prerequisite: MATH 3150.
Treatment of heat and mass transfer problems in metallurgical engineering. Interaction chemical kinetics and of transport processes in metallurgical reactions.
6760 Process Synthesis, Design, and Economics
(4 credit hrs) Recommended Prerequisite: MG EN 5170 and MET E 5260 and 5670 and 5700 and 5710.
Metallurgical process synthesis, flowsheet development, and associated economic analysis.
6770 Electrometallurgy
(2 credit hrs) Recommended Prerequisite: MET E 3620.
Principles of electrodeposition and electrowinning, including modern practices.
6780 Metals Processing
(2.5 credit hrs) Recommended Prerequisite: MET E 1620 and 5260 and 5450.
Primary and secondary metal-shaping processes: casting and solidification of metals, powder metallurgy, machining, and joining of metals. Emphasis will be on process design. Laboratory illustrates principles developed in lecture.
6790 Metal Failure Analysis
(2 credit hrs) Recommended Prerequisite: MET E 1620.
Metal-failure analysis, metal-failure modes. Methods and procedures of analysis.
6800 Graduate Seminar in Metallurgical Engineering
6970 Master's Thesis Research
(1 to 9)
6980 Faculty Consultation
(1 to 3)
7260 Selected Topics on Nanoparticles Science and Engineering
(2 credit hrs) Prerequisite: Physical Metallurgy I, Powder Metallurgy.
This course is designed to explore the unique properties and behavior of nanoparticles and the underlying fundamentals that is applicable regardless their applications. This course will start with a survey of various processes and principles for synthesis and characterization of nanoparticles. Then, the course will focus on behavior of nanoparticles with emphasis on the interactions, agglomeration, sintering and grain growth of nanoparticles. This course will depend heavily on research of most recent literature.
7270 Physical Metallurgy II
(2 credit hrs) Recommended Prerequisite: MET E 5260.
Extended treatment of martensitic, bainitic, massive ferrite, pearlite, and order-disorder transformations, shape-memory effect, and case studies of important commercial alloys.
7280 Magnetic Materials and Devices
To provide an in-depth understanding of the magnetism, magnetic materials processing, and structure property-performance relationships in magnetic materials used in a number of engineering devices/applications. This course meets with 5280.
7460 Advanced Fluid-Solid Reaction Engineering
(3 credit hrs) Recommended Prerequisite: MET E 6350.
Engineering analysis of chemical reactions between a fluid and solid by combining chemical kinetics with transport phenomena. Application to metallurgical systems. Coupled transport phenomena.
7570 Stochastic Processes and Monte Carlo Simulations
(2.5 credit hrs)
Theory of Markov processes leading up to birth and death processes. Application to chemical reaction, crystallization etc. The link between stochastic and deterministic processes and the genesis of the Monte Carlo method. Monte Carlo methods to solve population balance equations and to solve o.d.e. and p.d.e. encountered in process modeling.
7655 Applied Population Balance Modeling
(2.5 credit hrs) Recommended Prerequisite: MET E 5690 and 5710.
Population balance modeling technique applied to particulate processes: crystallizer, dissolver, agglomeration, grinding, leaching, and droplet dispersion. Variants of the mode as well as analytical solution emphasized.
7670 Topics in Physical Metallurgy
(2 credit hrs) Recommended Prerequisite: MET E 7270.