The Department of Materials Science and Engineering offers a combined, five-year BS/MS Program intended to foster undergraduate research and to accelerate progress toward a MS degree. Students will apply to the BS/MS Program by April 1 of their junior year and start their graduate-level classes in the senior year of their BS degree. Following their undergraduate coursework, students have one full year to complete their master’s degree. As part of their master's, students will complete either a research thesis or a special project, which they will start in the senior year of their undergraduate career.

Only full-time domestic students currently enrolled as Major Status in the Materials Science and Engineering undergraduate program can be admitted to the combined BS/MS Program. There is a 3.0 GPA requirement. International students are not eligible for the BS/MS degree.

Materials Science and Engineering BS/MS 2024-2025 Program of Study

Materials Science and Engineering BS/MS 2022-2023 Program of Study

Materials Science and Engineering BS/MS 2020-2021 Program of Study


Program Description

BS/MS Program is a vigorous five-year program designed to launch them into industry or prepare them for a PhD program.  The bachelor's portion of the combined degree requires a minimum of 122 semester credit hours; most engineering students exceed 122 hours. The MS degree requires the completion of 30 additional hours. Upon completion of the BS/MS degree, the student will receive both degrees at the College of Engineering Convocation Ceremony. Graduation cannot be applied for through the Graduation Office until the student has completed both degrees.

Students will start their graduate-level classes in the senior year of their bachelor's degree and have one full year to complete their master's coursework. As part of their master's, students will complete either a research thesis or a special project. Credits are non-transferable. Meaning, if a student takes credits of MSE 6970--Thesis Research and then decides to complete a special project instead, they will have to retake credits under MSE 6590--Special Project. Students are encouraged to confer with faculty to decide which path is best for them.

In order to apply to the BS/MS Program, students are responsible for selecting a research area or special project. Students must also find a faculty mentor to assist them throughout the BS/MS Program. When students apply to the program, they will include a letter of recommendation from their faculty advisor. In students' senior year of their bachelor's degree, they are encouraged to register for at least 1-credit of MSE 6970--Thesis Research or MSE 6590--Special Project. Due to the condensed nature of the program, it is imperative students start their research/special project before completing the bachelor's portion of their degree.

Who can apply?

Applicants for admission to the BS/MS program the student must have Major Status in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Utah. A minimum 3.0 GPA is required for admission to the combined program. It is also suggested that an appointment be made with the Academic Advisor to make sure that all requirements and details for applying for the BS/MS program has been satisfied. Application for the combined program must be submitted to the Academic Advisor by April 1 of the student’s junior year. Students will be notified of admissions decisions by May 1.

Only full-time domestic students currently enrolled in Major Status in the Materials Science and Engineering program can be admitted to the combined BS/MS Program. International students are not eligible for the BS/MS degree. Students should plan to have a total of two to three semesters in graduate status. Undergraduate status is maintained until the end of Spring semester senior year.

Application Requirements

BS/MS Application Deadline: April 1

MSE juniors wanting to apply to the BS/MS program will need to complete the following Department Application, which includes a current Degree Audit, resume, personal statement and three letters of recommendation. The BS/MS program is a two-part application. First, juniors must apply directly to the MSE Department. Juniors admitted into the BS/MS program will then be required to complete a separate application for Graduate School admissions. The Graduate School admission application is due January 15 of senior year. For more information on the Graduate School admission application, please see the below tab titled "Admission to the Graduate School." Juniors seeking admission to the BS/MS program, should complete the following Department Application.

Department Application Requirements:
  • BS/MS Junior Application 
  • Personal Statement
    • Student must clearly indicate at the beginning of the personal statement that the application is for the BS/MS degree.  The student must provide their understanding and brief description of the MS Thesis Project in the personal statement. Furthermore, students should detail why they should be selected to pursue the BS/MS degree.
  • Resume or Curriculum Vitae
  • Three Letters of Recommendation
    • One of the three letters must come from the student’s M.S. thesis advisor.
    • The faculty advisor must confirm their support and briefly outline the M.S. Thesis Research Project.
    • Letters of recommendation should be sent directly by the provider to the MSE Academic Advisor.
  • Minimum 3.0 GPA
  • Current Degree Audit

Application and application materials should be sent through email to the MSE Academic Advisor. 

Admission to the Graduate School

BS/MS students must apply to the Graduate School after the completion of 122 semester credit hours required for their undergraduate degree. Student must follow the regular University of Utah Graduate School application procedures. On the referral sheet that the MSE Department returns to the Graduate Admissions Office, the MSE Department will note the student has been accepted to the BS/MS program. Graduate Admissions will then approve admission without the BS having been completed.

Admission to the combined degree program guarantees admission to the Graduate School as long as a minimum GPA of 3.0 is maintained. The successful admission into the program is simply a matter of addition paperwork. Please note that application deadline is January 15 for fall semester.

Entrance criteria for the BS/MS program is consistent with criteria for the traditional MS program. Apply for admission to the Graduate School.

Upon successful completion of the combined degree program, both the Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees are awarded simultaneously. Students must apply for graduation to the Registrar’s Office for both the Bachelor’s and Master’s degree to be awarded in the appropriate semester. Both applications must be completed and turned into the Graduation Office by the deadline for the appropriate semester. Students must satisfy all the Department of Materials Science and Engineering and University of Utah requirements for each degree. Reminder that Coursework may not be applied to more than one degree. BS/MS students are required to complete two graduation applications. To apply for graduation for both the BS and MS click here.
Grading Policy
Materials Science & Engineering Undergraduates are required to take all Materials Science and Engineering courses and receive a grade of “C” or better in order to advance to higher level Materials Science and Engineering courses. If a student does not receive a “C” or better in a Materials Science and Engineering course they will be required to retake the course. Failure to receive a “C” or better on the second attempt will result in dismissal from the program. A cumulative grade point average of 2.3 or higher must be maintained for all courses completed towards a degree in Materials Science and Engineering. Students who fall below the GPA of 2.3 will be put on probation. Students on probation must raise their cumulative GPA above a 2.3 within 12 months or they will be dropped from the program.
Adding, Dropping, and Withdrawal Procedures
Adding Classes – All classes must be added within two weeks of the beginning of the semester. Adding classes after the deadline is not permitted in the College of Engineering and requires a petition letter. Dropping Classes – A drop implies that the student will not be held financially responsible and a “W” will not be listed on the transcript. Student may drop any class without penalty or permission during the first ten calendar days of the term. Withdrawing from Classes – means that a “W” will appear on the student’s transcript and tuition will be charged. Withdrawal from Full Term Length –Beginning the eleventh calendar day and continuing through the midpoint of the term, students may withdraw from a class or the University without instructor/department permission. After midpoint of the term, students may petition the deadline for withdrawal if they have a nonacademic emergency. For more information about the petition process, please contact your Academic Advisor. Check the academic calendar for specific add, drop, and withdrawal dates.
Repeating Courses
When a College of Engineering class is taken more than once, only the grade for the second attempt is counted. Grades of W, I, or V on the student’s record count as having taken the class. The Materials Science and Engineering Department enforce these guidelines for other courses as well (e.g., math, physics biology, chemistry). Attempts of courses taken at transfer institutions count as one attempt. This means a student may take the course only one time at the University of Utah. Courses taken at the University of Utah may not be taken a second time at another institution. If a second attempt is needed, it must be at the University of Utah. Please work with your Academic Advisor to determine the value of repeating courses. Students should note that anyone who takes a required class twice and does not have a satisfactory grade the second time may not be able to graduate. It is the responsibility of the student to work with the department of their major to determine how this policy applies in extenuating circumstances. Students must meet with the Materials Science and Engineering Academic Advisor before attempting to repeat a course a second time.
Major Declassification
It is the goal of the Materials Science and Engineering Department to successfully graduate all Materials Science and Engineering students. However, any student who does not perform satisfactorily may be dropped from the program. “Satisfactory performance” must be evaluated individually, but generally consists of meeting the standards of professional and ethical conduct that are expected of engineers (and hence engineering students), and maintaining satisfactory academic progress. While it is impossible to give an exhaustive list of actions that could cause us to revoke Major Status, examples include:
  • Cheating or plagiarizing
  • Abuse of faculty or teaching assistants
  • Other serious violation of the student behavior code
  • Failing to pass major required courses within the boundaries of the repeat policy
  • Allowing your cumulative GPA to drop below a 2.3
Leave of Absence
A Leave of Absence allows degree-seeking undergraduate students who have registered for and completed university credit classes to request an extension of their enrollment eligibility for a maximum period of seven consecutive semesters (including summers). Requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis and may be granted for the following reasons: illness (personal or familial), military service, humanitarian or religious service, or participation in a University of Utah sponsored program. To apply for a leave of absence and for more information click here.
Appeals Procedures
If a student believes that an academic action is arbitrary or capricious he/she should discuss the action with the involved faculty member and attempt to resolve. If unable to resolve, the student may appeal the action in accordance with the following procedure.
  1. Appeal to the Department Chair (in writing) within 40 working days; chairs must notify student of a decision with 15 days. If the faculty member or student disagrees with decision then,
  2. Appeal to Academic Committee, see II Section D, Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities for details on Academic Appeal Committee hearings.
Americans with Disabilities Act
The University of Utah seeks to provide equal access to its programs, services, and activities for people with disabilities. If you will need accommodations in classes, reasonable prior notice needs to be given to the instructor and to the Center for Disability and Access.
Campus Resources

Our students’ success and well-being are paramount in providing a world-class education. Take advantage of the numerous resources and services created to help students of all kinds prosper during their time at the U. For a list of complete resources click here.
Safety and Wellness

Your safety is our top priority. In an emergency, dial 911 or seek a nearby emergency phone (throughout campus). Report any crimes or suspicious people to 801-585-COPS; this number will get you to a dispatch officer at the University of Utah Department of Public Safety (DPS; If at any time, you would like to be escorted by a security officer to or from areas on campus, DPS will help — just give a call.
The University of Utah seeks to provide a safe and healthy experience for students, employees, and others who make use of campus facilities. In support of this goal, the University has established confidential resources and support services  to assist students who may have been affected by harassment, abusive relationships, or sexual misconduct. A detailed listing of University Resources for campus safety can be found at
Your well-being is key to your personal safety. If you are in crisis, call 801-587-3000; help is close.
The university has additional excellent resources to promote emotional and physical wellness, including the Counseling Center (, the Wellness Center (, and the Women’s Resource Center ( Counselors and advocates in these centers can help guide you to other resources to address a range of issues, including substance abuse and addiction.