Deadline has been extended to 9/23. All participants will receive a t-shirt and the winners will receive a gift card.
Do you want to create a material and send it to us to test with our state of the art equipment?
Then join our High School Materials Competition. You can submit a material in one of the categories below and we will test if for you. All entries are due by September 23rd and tests will be completed on September 25th (before our annual Open House) starting at 4pm.
All entries can be brought to our main office on the UofU campus at 304 CME or they can be mailed to
122 South Central Campus Dr. # 304
Salt Lake City, UT 84112
If you are mailing your entry, it must be received in our office by September 23rd. All mailed entries must include your full name, email, return address if applicable and which material category listed below. If you mail your sample material, please email Marina (email below) to let us know we should be expecting your package.
Entries will be tested and awards will be given to the best materials in the following five categories. The competition awards will be given to the best materials at Open House on September 25th.
For specific questions please email or call at 801-213-4194