Apply for Major Status

Personal Information

Please enter your first, middle, and last names.
Format: 0#######
Please use your university email ending in
For which semester are you applying for major status?
For which semester are you applying for major status?
Have you applied for full major status in CE before?
When did you previously apply for full major status in this major?
Are you currently majoring in another subject?
What is your current major?
Will your CE major be a dual/double major?

Major Admission Courses



Permission Code Request

Please enter your first and last name.
Please use your email address. We can only send responses to a email address.
Format: u#######
Registering for Course

Choose the semester for which you are registering.
Ex: MSE 2160
Please explain.
Please enter any additional information relevant to your request.

Supporting Documentation

Maximum upload size: 51.2MB
Please include an updated degree audit report, which can be found on CIS.
Maximum upload size: 51.2MB
Course Institution/University Semester Taken Credit Hours Grade